Dallas Enforcement Attorney | 214-373-6556

Dallas Enforcement Lawyer

There are instances where one parent does not hold up their end of the spousal maintenance, child support, or child custody order. This can include failing to make payments, taking children, not fulfilling parental responsibilities, and many other circumstances. If you are dealing with an ex who is not fulfilling their ordered obligations, an experienced Dallas enforcement lawyer can help you obtain enforcement from the court. Our team can provide you with effective and compassionate legal advocacy to help receive the support you are entitled to.

How Our Dallas Divorce Lawyers Can Help You Pursue an Enforcement of Order

Our firm can help obtain an enforcement of divorce order by:

  • Preparing necessary documents
  • Advocating to the court on your behalf
  • Pursuing possible criminal charges, if necessary

Helping Parents Receive the Support They Need

When there is a refusal to pay support that is settled on or ordered by the court, the party refusing to pay can be found in contempt of court. This can have huge implications on the lives of both parties since a warrant can be issued and the offending party can be forced to pay the support. If you are having issues with making payments, you can pursue child custody and support modifications.

Lisa Garza understands how stressful divorce and family law issues can be for many of our clients. Our Dallas divorce attorneys take the time to communicate with you and understand how you are affected by not receiving support payments. We are dedicated to using our resources and legal knowledge to help each of our clients.

Contact us for a consultation with an experienced lawyer. We are ready to help. Call 214-373-6556.